This game is really fun. Yes it can use some more work - mainly some clarification in wording (attack across vs attack forward) - but its very possible Im missing something. Plus, given the developers history, Id say this game will reach its potential.
The game is relies on the basic MOBA lanes: top, mid, and bottom. Your party attacks opposing monsters using cards. However, you can only play one card per turn and each monster gets to move every turn. The graphics are artsy (not in a bad way) and the monsters go through different numbers of animations before attacking - ex. one mob may move forward, then hell crouch, then hell raise his sword, then the attack hits. The strategy comes in playing your cards to block, interrupt, or kill attackers. Outside of individual battles, the party progresses through a dungeon. Simply tap a room and its connected rooms are revealed. There are symbols for different room types: skulls for battles, coins for merchants, and various other symbols for power ups and healing. The games overall strategy is health balancing. Your party can only heal at health fountain rooms (or with items). So during battles, sometimes you have to decide who takes a hit.
As far as shortcomings, really all this game needs is a tutorial page. Id hate to see game this well designed be ruined by a clunky hand-holding tutorial, but a page just defining what common phrases mean would be great. Or even just like a library that shows a quick graphical representation of what each card does - like the character on one side with arrows to the lanes that the card attacks.
Again, given rocketcats history, Im pretty sure well see major changes. Is this game worth $4 right now? Hard to say. For me, its right on the edge - even without considering rocketcats history. So if youre not sure then Id say wait a bit. But if you like party- and turn-based RPGs and/or rogue likes, then its probably worth it.
neverender348 about Five Card Quest - Tactical RPG Battles